
L-JonesLinda Jones
Purchasing Director
Linda-WilkinsLinda Wilkins

Our Mission
To provide in a timely manner the best value on all goods and services obtained through this department by using strategic initiatives and effective procurement within the parameters of all applicable policies, rules and laws.



Vendor Registration

Our Vision 
This department’s vision is to be recognized as being an ethical, user friendly department striving for 100% customer satisfaction while maintaining best value practices.
The Purchasing Department
The Department develops, coordinates and evaluates procurement and contract administration practices and programs of the City in accordance with the City of Waycross Purchasing Ordinance; provides guidance and support to departments and agencies in developing purchasing requests while operating at the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism.

The goal in purchasing is to provide the most cost effective and efficient government procurement system for the management, acquisition and control of supplies, services, and construction for public purposes.

All purchases for materials, supplies, equipment or services estimated to cost over $5,000.00 shall be based on competitive bidding procedures specifically set forth in the purchasing manual. These procedures include formal advertising, contracts, specifications, sealed bids, public opening, bid deposits and performance bonds. Any purchase for materials, supplies, equipment or services with an estimated cost up to $4999.99 shall be based upon written competitive quotations from at least three reputable vendors, without regard for formal advertising. Each such purchase shall be authorized by the head of the using department or division in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the purchasing manual.

All annual bids are awarded during the month of June for the new budget year with begins July 1st.

Please check this page for current bid requests and also to whom the bids are awarded to.

The City of Waycross Purchasing Department utilizes GovDeals.com online auction for all surplus sale.

Purchasing is also responsible for the accounts payable process. All purchase orders are issued and entered in this department along with apply invoicing and preparing for payment.

The Warehouse Coordinator procures materials, supplies, equipment and services for City departments, ensuring quality and maximum dollar savings under the supervision of the Purchasing Director; additionally it provides administrative control of receiving, stocking, and disbursing commodities to all City departments. The Warehouse stocks all janitorial, hardware, office and water/sewer construction materials. Warehousing has the advantage of lower pricing and one central area to pick up materials.

The two links below will direct you away from our website.
Gov Deals GPAG